We do not claim to have the magic wand and deal in the same way with all kinds of violence. Below you will find some general tips for monitoring, preventing and dealing with violence situations.

  1. Observe and pay attention to the words and language, gestures and activities of the child.
  2. Talk about gender-based violence at home, profit from concrete chronicle cases or from problems that have occurred to others.
  3. Discuss the topic of gender stereotypes and question yourself with your own experience, language and life choices, not just focus on physical violence, there’s more.
  4. Always maintain a non-judgmental attitude, respectful and open to different point of view.
  5. Listen empathetically, without judgment and try to put yourself in the shoes of the child.
  6. Allow speaking and venting, without intervening and avoiding violent reactions of anger or alarm and inspire confidence and security. 
  7. Try to make it clear that reacting to violence with violence is not useful, but first is better to defend oneself and look for support to find the right strategy.
  8. Evaluate the seriousness of the situation, and seek appropriate support: talk to the teachers or specialized staff in the school (Counsellor or psychologist), contact the concerned authorities or the anti-violence centres in the area.
  9. If the case is an act of online violence, do not immediately delete the traces in the network, but contact the post office police.
  10. Teach how to recover and not to lose confidence in oneself in any case.
  11. Fight with her or him negative consequences, like the fear of leaving home, going to school or going out with friends.